Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Castle Has Left the Building (Recap Season 4 Episode 8, Heartbreak Hotel)

The victim: Sam Siegel, co-owner of The Sapphire Coast Resort and Casino. He is found at an abandoned warehouse with bullet wounds and a bloody lip.
Suspect list:
Rebecca Siegel, Sam's ex-wife ... Neighbors reported that they had an argument at her apartment the night before he turned up dead.
She says he came over and told her that he needed her to sign over a property that still had both their names on it. He offered her 1.5 million dollars, substantially more than the property was worth. She refused to sign without her lawyer being present and they argued, after which he left and she remained home for the rest of the evening.
Ralph Marino, Sam's Driver ... He and Sam had a scuffle a few weeks prior at a bar when Sam made sexual advances towards Ralph's girlfriend.
Ralph says that he and Sam did have a confrontation but things had been smoothed over. He drove Sam to the warehouse but left him there after Sam gave him $500 dollars and told him to go.
Charlie Turner, Sam's business partner ... It is discovered that Sam transferred over 10 million dollars from one of the casino's accounts to an offshore account in the Caymans. This cleaned the account out. Charlie is suspected of finding out Sam was embezzling and taking matters into his own hands to fix the problem.
Charlie was in the casino all day and the security camera's prove this, so he is ruled out as a direct suspect.
Nadine Espinosa, one of the casino's hotel attendants and Daniel (last name?), a security technician at the casino ... the facts point to it having been Nadine who transferred the money from the casino's account to the offshore one. She made phone calls to Daniel right before and after the money was transferred.
Nadine actually gets kidnapped by people in a black SUV and Daniel explains that he and Nadine were seeing each other. They had moved the money but were only using it as leverage against Sam Siegel. Sam had the hots for Nadine and didn't want to take No for an answer. When she was going to leave her job Sam bought the apartment building in New York that her parents lived in and threatened to evict them. Daniel and Nadine had planned on giving the money back to Sam after he turned over the deed to the building. Nadine is released unharmed later.
Tommy Moretti, a mobster that Charlie and Sam borrowed money from to keep the casino operating.
Tommy says he did meet with Sam, but had given him more time to get the money back because Sam showed him the deed that his ex-wife had signed, releasing the property.
So now we are back to square one, Rebecca Siegel. Rebecca says that Sam threatened to kill her if she did not sign the papers he wanted her to sign. After she signed them she overheard the call he took that told him to come to the warehouse. She knew this was her golden opportunity and after Sam left she also went to the warehouse. She killed him with the .38 he had given her for one of their anniversaries. She then took the signed paper off his body and took it home with her. She says that Sam was an abusive man and even divorcing him didn't mean that he was out of her life. This was the only way she could be free for good.
Other noteworthy things about this episode:
It turns out that Ryan got roped into having one of his wife's relatives as his best man instead of his true BFF Esposito. Esposito is understandably upset about this but Castle has a solution. Since Castle, Esposito and Ryan have to go to Atlantic City anyway for this pesky murder thing, Castle suggests that they have an IBPWOC. That would be an Impromptu Bachelor Party While On Case for all of us not in the know.
This never actually happens and instead they wind up getting kicked out of the casino and having to dress up as Elvises so they can blend with all the other "Kings" who are there for a convention. Although it probably would've been cheesy it may have been fun to see one of them have to do an Elvis impression. As it were, Castle pulled off an Elvis lip sneer but that's about it. One of them may have quipped a "Thank you, thank you very much."
They finally do get to have their bachelor party after the case is resolved but we are not invited.
Castle encourages Alexis to have a girls night in to help her with the post break-up blues of kicking Ashley's ass to the curb. Through the magic of social networking their apartment becomes party central until Alexis finally has enough and kicks everybody out.
She runs around like a mad woman straightening, gluing, tossing, cleaning things that were jostled, broken, trashed, and dirtied. When Castle comes slinking in the next morning, hung over from the bachelor party, he does notice that something is missing but Alexis thinks quickly and says that her grandmother needed it as a prop. Castle buys this.
Beckett did not spend much time with the boys this week. Captain Gates kept her in NY to work on the case there while the three musketeers went to Atlantic City. She made comments to Beckett along the lines that Castle is a distraction and since he is not a real detective he is allowed to just throw any old idea out and see what sticks. But by the end of the episode, although Gates still hasn't quite warmed up to Castle, she does compliment Beckett by telling her she's a good cop.
This was not a bad episode, but probably not one of my favorites of the season so far.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Castle - Eye of the Beholder, Season 4 Episode 5 Recap

Monday night's Castle episode was much more lighthearted than last week's. It had art, murder, romance and jealousy. All ingredients for an entertaining hour of television.
The crime of the week was the murder of the Cosmopolitan Art Museum's executive director, Brian Hayes during their 4th Annual Benefit Gala. He is found impaled on a scary looking larger-than-life Egyptian mask that has several long, sharp spikes protruding from it. Also, a piece of art called the Fist of Capitalism, which is valued to the tune of $50 mil has disappeared.
Serena Kaye (Kristin Lehman) is the museum's insurance investigator. She is a smart, sexy blond who catches Castle's eye and grates on Beckett's nerves. Against Beckett's wishes, Captain Gates lets Serena join the team as a consultant in hopes she will be able to help them solve the crime.
The suspect list:
An international art thief named Falco, suspected because Serena recognizes the device used to disable the museum's security system as one of his making. Falco becomes the main suspect as it is assumed that he was hired to steal the piece but then decided to add murder to his rap sheet and keep it for himself.
Anton McHugh, the co-owner of The Fist of Capitalism. His soon to be ex wife, Joy McHugh, says that he would do anything to keep her from getting to keep the artwork at the museum.
Brian Hayes himself because he was deeply in debt.
The consultant Serena Kaye. It turns out she was a former alleged art thief but has now turned responsible art thief investigator. She had a meeting with Brian Hayes the day before the murder/theft that she failed to mention to any of the detectives on the case. Esposito and Beckett find the smoking gun (or in this case tools) an her hotel room along with feeler emails out to possible fences for the Fist.
Alyssa Lofters, an artist of another piece at the exhibit because she is suspected to have been in the vicinity of the crime around the time it went down.
The final suspect and ultimately whodunit was Joy McHugh. She hired Falco to disable the security system during which time she was going to take the Fist of Capitalism and hide it in one of the televisions in Alyssa Lofter's objet d'art. When the exhibit was over she was set to become the proud owner of Alyssa's handiwork. However, she was interrupted by Brian Hayes and according to her, she had no other choice but to kill him. Then she went ahead and hid the Fist, but managed to leave her bloody fingerprints on it in the process. Her motive: The Fist of Capitalism was rightfully hers and she was not about to let her husband have it in the divorce settlement.
On the Beckett/Castle romantic front: Beckett is definitely bothered by Castle's attraction to Serena. But when he gives her the opportunity to talk him out of pursuing Serena, she only tells him to suit himself. At her therapy session, Beckett claims the reason that the Castle/Serena iffy ship is annoying her is because Castle is supposed to be her partner and not "all smitten." Her therapist insightfully asks her if she's more afraid that Castle won't wait for her or that he will?
Castle is enlisted to distract Serena while Beckett and Esposito search her hotel room. When they don't get out quick enough, Castle gets a message from Beckett telling him to stall Serena. In the hallway in front of her room, he grabs her and kisses her, at just about the time Beckett flings open the door and tells Serena she is arresting her. Although Castle claims he was just doing what Beckett wanted him to do by distracting Serena, Beckett is not happy with the smooching in the hallway.
By the end of the episode she warms up enough to Serena to let her know that Castle never doubted her innocence throughout the investigation, in a roundabout way giving them her blessing. But Serena realizes there are feelings between Castle and Beckett so she gets out of the game. Although none of that is ever said when both Castle and Beckett were together, leaving the slate clear for more sexual tension in the next episode.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Castle - Season 4 Episode 4, Kick the Ballistics Recap

Original airdate 10/10/11 ... Episode 4x04

This episode of Castle was actually a lot less focused on it's namesake.  All the key players got some screen time, but this was more a story about Detective Kevin Ryan (Seamus Denver).

The victim is Jane Herzfeld, a young college student who tutored other students on the side. 

Her ex-boyfriend Finn McQueen is the first suspect because they had a somewhat volatile relationship in the past, according to her mother anyway.  But, McQueen's alibi checks out.

It was Ryan's old service weapon that was taken from him during the 3XK investigation last year that was used as the murder weapon.

This now points the finger at Jerry Tyson AKA 3XK.  Ryan takes this as a personal blow because he feels responsible for Tyson getting his gun.  He is frustrated and on a short fuse throughout much of the episode, almost getting into a fight with the second suspect Seth Carver and eventually getting lippy with Captain Gates, who tells him to take the rest of the day off.

Seth is actually an undercover cop himself and tells them Jane was tutoring a fellow student by the name of Ben Lee and was supposed to be an informant about Ben's father, Clifford.  Clifford is a huge drug kingpin and Castle likens him to "The Godfather."  Carver says that the Lees probably found out what she was doing and bumped her off.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Castle - Season 4 Episode 3 - Head Case, Recap

Alexis is devastated to learn that despite having already picked her classes, bought t-shirts and badly wanting to go there she has been rejected by Stanford University. 

Team Beckett's newest case involves a body-less crime scene with so much blood Lanie is sure that the person must have died. 

There was a van seen leaving the vicinity of the murder area about 20 minutes after gunshots were heard.  They trace the van to a warehouse registered under the name of PW Storage. 

In the warehouse they find containment units that house frozen people inside.  They hear movement in another room and go in to find technicians loading a body into a vacuumed container.  The technicians explain that they work for a cryonics company called Passageway.  All of their clients have contracts with them to preserve them after they die.  The clients are outfitted with biowatches that have pulse monitors and GPS systems built in.  When someone's pulse stops the technicians go retrieve the body.  The bodies must be frozen as quickly as possible, which is why they took the shooting victim that morning without bothering to inform the police.

Dr. Harry Weiss comes in and introduces himself as the CEO of Passageway.  He identifies the victim as Lester Hamilton, a biology professor at Hudson University and also an old friend.  Lester was doing cutting edge research on developing life extension techniques.  The lawyer that Dr. Weiss has brought with him informs Beckett that if the NYPD tries to take Hamilton's body, Passageway will file a lawsuit. 

Because of murky case laws the D.A. tells Beckett they won't issue a warrant.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Red Maroon Logo and Writer - Righter of Wrongs

We have two new graphics available based on the TV show Castle. 

The first one is from the episode Superheroes and Villians (Season 4 Episode 2).  It is the superhero Red Maroon's logo which was a red shield outlined in yellow with the letters RM (also in yellow) inside the shield.  Underneath the logo Red Maroon is written out.

Available on everything from tee shirts to flip flops to wall decor.

The other design has the names Kate Beckett and Rick Castle at the top.  Under Kate's name is a detective badge.  Under Castle's name is a pencil and a spiral notepad that has Heat Rises written on it.  Under the image of the shield it says Righter of wrongs.  Under the notepad it says Writer of wrongs.

See it on t-shirts, hoodies and more.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Recap: Castle Season 4 Episode 2, Superheroes and Villians

Original airdate: Monday, September 26, 2011

Episode 4x02 starts off with a young women running out of alley. A man grabs her and throws her to the ground. As he is descending on her and making threatening comments a deep voice comes from somewhere in the darkness of the alley telling him to leave her alone. A long blade slices through his wrist severing his hand from his body. In a grotesque version of shadow puppets, the man is finished off as the blade divides him from head to toe and his halves fall away from one another.

At the home of our ruggedly handsome writer, Rick Castle is making an omelet as his mother models a Desmonda costume that she is making for her Shakespeare class.. Alexis finishes up her phone call with her Stanford college boyfriend, Ashley. After she talks excitedly about going to Stanford in the spring, Castle has to blame his weepy eyes on the onion he was cutting.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Recap: Castle Season 4 Episode 1, "Rise"

The episode begins with the snippets from last season to remind us why we are tuning in again this time around. Kate Beckett says that they are going to make sure the late Captain Roy Montgomery keeps his good name. Then at Montgomery's funeral she is shot, prompting Richard Castle to finally confess his love for her.

They rush Kate to the hospital and on the way her heart stops. They get her into an operating room where Dr Josh Davidson is the attending physician. After he recognizes who the person in front of him is, he calls for another doctor and tells the rest of the people in the OR that she is his girlfriend.

The scenes go back and forth from the hospital team working on Kate to the reactions of Castle, Esposito, Ryan, Martha, Alexis, Lanie and Kate's father in the hallway. It is done in such a way that it really amps up the tension of the moment.

Josh starts to operate on Kate because she is bleeding and they are going to lose her. After a short while another doctor comes in and convinces Josh to let him take over and he leaves the room.

In the hallway he confronts Castle and accuses him of being the cause of Montgomery's death and the reason that Kate has been injured.